Leamington Primary School

Our Art work is linked to our immerse curriculum, for example Year 5's narrative topic was 'rainforests' so our Art focus was Batik art using Henri Rousseau inspired Art. Our school have recently built a brand new Art hub to provide our children with the best possible Art facilities. We hold a termly Art competition, which provides an opportunity for our children to vote for their favourite piece.


School Competition Entries

White House

Eddie Asuquo

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Rainbow Beauty

Lexie Sweeney

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Self Portrait

Gerard Clarke

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Confusion World

Gerard Delamere

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Secrets of the rainforest

Eva Lewis

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Statue of Liberty

Andrew Pollard

21cm x 30cm, Pen


Andrew Wileman

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Ceyda Bozkurt

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Ebony O'Brien

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Libby Craig

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Colourful Night

Darcey Haigh

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Sapphire Sky

Lucy McGann

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Liam Wrigley

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Butterfly Wonder

Peter Latimer

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Megan Teevan-Jones

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Kayleigh Bills

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Lucy Simnor

21cm x 30cm, Paint

True Colours

Marni Beckwith

21cm x 30cm, Paint


Lilia Miller Smith

21cm x 30cm, Paint

Rainforest Life

Thomas Price, Jamie-Leigh McGee and Gerard Clarke

3D sculpture