
dot-art Schools Exhibition 2019
dot-art Schools Exhibition 2019
dot-art Schools Exhibition 2019

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The Programme

dot-art Schools is an interactive, online, inter-school, art competition, taking part on an annual basis and culminating in an exhibition. Open to primary (year 5) and secondary (year 9) schools in the Liverpool City Region. It is designed to nurture talent, raise ambition, and take art out of the classroom and into the real world. With the current threats to creative subjects on the national curriculum, dot-art Schools offers a way of keeping young people engaged with the arts, allows them to see a creative career path, and encourages them to attend exhibitions and engage with culture, outside of school.

How It Works

  • September to December - Schools sign up to participate in dot-art Schools.
  • February - Schools submit photographs of students’ artworks by half term. Competition entries are added to the school’s portfolio page on the dot-art Schools website.
  • March - Judging panel of respected arts professionals shortlist the top 3 entries from each school
  • April – The public vote online for their favourite shortlisted entry. The entry with most votes from each school wins a place in the exhibition.
  • May / June - Schools frame and deliver their winning entry ready for exhibition. Guest judge selects overall winners and runners up at the exhibition and announces them at the prize giving ceremony. Students, families and teachers celebrate at exhibition preview. dot-art Schools Exhibition opens to the public.


Prizes include membership to dot-art (for the overall secondary winner) plus vouchers for art materials and exhibition entry for both age groups. Further details to be announced.

All winning artists (1 from each partipating school) will also receive a Cass Art goody bag.

All shortlisted artists (3 from each partipating school) will be awarded certificates.



10 Reasons to Take Part

  1. Contributes to a broad and balanced curriculum
  2. Helps build pupils’ cultural capital (included in the new Education Inspection Framework)
  3. Raises the school’s profile and shows the school’s commitment to creative education
  4. Fantastic opportunity to showcase your students artwork outside school
  5. Compare standards of artwork with other schools across the region, online and in a gallery setting.
  6. Improve students’ confidence in their own ability and give a real sense of pride
  7. Great way to engage student’s families through the public vote, exhibition and prize giving ceremony.
  8. Demonstrate the quality of artwork produced to students’ families and the wider community
  9. Support your Artsmark journey and help meet OFSTED and National Curriculum attainment targets
  10. Increase pupil’s self-esteem, particularly important with the growing mental health crisis facing young people

Liverpool LCEP

dot-art Schools is part of the Liverpool Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP). This was set up to increase opportunities for children and young people across our region to take part in quality art and cultural experiences. The LCEP has developed Culturepool.org where you can search for cultural education resources, activities and experiences for children and young people and find out more about the work of the LCEP.


dot-art Schools Exhibition 2019
dot-art Schools Exhibition 2019
dot-art Schools Exhibition 2019